Akira Kato

Akira Kato

Akira Kato

WIDE Project Board Member

Areas of expertise:
Computer Networks, Internet Infrastructure Technologies, Internet Operation, Measurement Technologies

Graduated from Tokyo National College of Technology in 1982 and Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1984. Completed Master’s and did doctoral work at School of Science and Engineering in 1986. Earned a PhD in Media and Governance from Keio University in 2004. Helped design and implement the campus network at Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus in 1989. Research associate in the Faculty of Environmental Information until 1993.
Research associate and visiting researcher at USC/ISI in 2001 and associate professor in the University of Tokyo Computer Centre (now “Information Technology Center”) in 2002. Joined KMD in 2008 as a professor.
Worked on several IXes including NSPIXP, NSPIXP2, NSPIXP6, DIX-IE, and T-LEX, and has been working on operation of M-Root DNS Server since 1997 and 10/100Gbps R&E networks since 2004.

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